Litmos recently asked its community of LinkedIn followers a simple question: “When do you make time for online learning?” Their answers might surprise you…
Of the 71 learners who responded, 17% expressed that they never make time for online learning. An equal percentage of poll participants were morning learners, while 32% preferred on-the-job learning. Meanwhile, 34% of respondents indicated that lunch break lessons or after work classes worked best for them.
While the pool of participants was small, the insights gleaned from this casual survey are significant, and could provide some guidance to employers and L&D leaders who are looking to build a culture of continuous learning. Here are a few key insights from this poll that are worth considering:
Integrate Learning into Work Hours
Around 32% of Litmos’ LinkedIn respondents engage in online learning during work hours, suggesting a notable interest in on-the-job learning. Organizations should consider integrating training into the flow of work by using an Learning Management System (LMS) that integrates into their existing tech stack, and by offering dedicated time for employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. This approach not only demonstrates a commitment to employee development but also capitalizes on the natural rhythms of productivity during the workday.
Prioritize Self-Directed Learning
Approximately 34% of poll participants indicated that they engage in online learning during their lunch breaks or after work. This trend highlights a potential preference for self-directed learning outside of core work hours. Employers can leverage this insight by offering flexible e-learning experiences that can be accessed on multiple devices, either live or asynchronously. Accommodating different learning times rather than prescribing them illustrates to current and future talent, that your organization values a healthy work-life balance and fosters a culture of continuous learning.
Accommodate Every Learner
The 17% of respondents who allocate time for online learning first thing in the morning represent an untapped opportunity for L&D leaders. An equal portion of respondents expressed that they make no time at all to learn online. These two perspectives appear to be polar opposites: the first group of respondents is so motivated that they’re willing to roll out of bed and get to class, while the second group may appear uninterested in independent learning. However, impressions can be deceiving!
Early bird respondents may prefer morning lessons for a number of reasons: a customer service team member with an early childcare drop-off time, for instance, might prefer a CX training session before they get their kids out of the door.
Respondents who don’t take time to learn may have the motivation to upskill but aren’t being given the type of content that allows them to fit training into their schedules. For example, a busy top performer on your sales team will need training modules short enough to be completed between discovery calls.
The key to capturing these learners’ attention – regardless of the timing – is creating a people-centric learning experience with engaging and digestible learning content that helps them build skills when, where, and how they prefer!